Dental Implants – Merrillville, IN

Completely Replace Your Missing Teeth

With dentures and dental bridges, you can fill in the empty space in your smile. Dental implants fulfill the same purpose, but they also go one step further: they can act as new tooth roots as well. As a result, dental implants look, feel, and function more like your natural teeth than any other tooth replacement option. Are you thinking of using dental implants in Merrillville to re-complete your grin? Reach out to United Dental Centers of Merrillville today to set up a dental implant consultation with our team.

Why Choose United Dental Centers of Merrillville for Dental Implants?

  • Lifelike, Long-Lasting Restorations
  • Dental Insurance Accepted
  • Kind, Trustworthy Dental Team

What Are Dental Implants?

Animated dental X ray of a person with a dental implant in Merrillville

A dental implant post is shaped like a screw. It is made from titanium so that it can form a strong bond with the jawbone via osseointegration. Having dental implants interface directly with your jawbone gives them more stability and chewing power than other tooth replacement options. Note that dental implants can be viable no matter how many teeth you’ve lost. It’s simply a matter of determining how many implant posts are needed and what kind of restoration they’ll support.

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

Dentist holding a set of dentures while talking to a patient at a desk
  • Consultation: The first step is to take a close look at your mouth and capture X-rays of your jaw to confirm that you’re a candidate for dental implant surgery. If you are, you’ll be given an overview of what the rest of the implant process will look like.
  • Dental Implant Surgery: The dental implant placement procedure involves opening the gums so that the implant posts can be inserted into the bone.
  • Osseointegration: After about three to six months, your implants will have fused with the jawbone, meaning abutments can be secured to each post.
  • Delivery of the Final Restoration: The final restoration will be made by expert ceramists at a dental laboratory. Once it’s ready, it can be secured to the abutments to complete your new smile.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Animated parts of a dental implant

There are several advantages that make dental implants an attractive tooth replacement choice for patients across the country. Here are some benefits you can enjoy when you choose dental implants:

  • Enough bite power to handle a majority of foods.
  • The ability to speak clearly at all times.
  • A new smile that looks and feels natural.
  • Increased confidence thanks to beautiful new teeth that don’t slip.
  • Replacement tooth roots that prevent jawbone deterioration.
  • New teeth that help preserve your facial structure.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Close up of smiling senior woman with her hands on her cheeks

An ideal candidate for dental implants will possess good oral health overall and will have plenty of bone density in their jaw. But even if you don’t meet these criteria, it may be possible for you to get dental implants after you have completed certain treatments such as gum disease therapy and bone grafting. Once it’s confirmed that your mouth is ready for the dental implant process, the next step is to plan your treatment based on the number of teeth missing.

Missing One Tooth

Animated dental implant with crown replacing one missing tooth

One dental implant will be inserted into the gap in your grin. The post will eventually fuse with the jaw, giving it the stability needed to support a dental crown. The crown will be designed so that it looks like a natural part of your mouth.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Two animated dental implants with dental bridge replacing three missing teeth

A traditional dental bridge can be used to replace multiple teeth in a row, but it can only be placed after some of your enamel has been removed. However, if a dental bridge is attached to a pair of dental implants instead, the empty space left by multiple missing teeth can be filled without having to make changes to the natural parts of your smile.

Missing All of Your Teeth

Six animated dental implants supporting a full denture

For cases where an entire row of teeth has been lost, you may be given a denture secured to four to six dental implant posts. Implant dentures have several advantages over traditional ones; most notably, they’re much more stable and will always stay in place while you’re chewing your food.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

Animated All on 4 implant denture replacing the upper arch of teeth

The longer your natural teeth are missing, the more likely you are to experience deterioration of the jawbone. However, it may be possible to place dental implants even after bone loss has occurred thanks to All-on-4. The four implant posts used for this procedure are inserted at carefully chosen areas where the bone is thicker. This often makes it possible to place the implants without having a bone graft performed.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Man in light blue collared shirt talking to dental team member at front desk

Some people will only need to pay for a single dental implant post while others will need to get four or more. Additionally, while it’s sometimes possible to get dental implants right away, in other cases you might have to budget for preliminary procedures. In short, the overall cost of dental implants in Merrillville depends on several factors, which will be explained to you in more detail at your initial consultation before you make any long-term commitments to the treatment.

Dental Implants FAQs

a patient in Merrillville learning about dental implants

Ready to renew your missing pearly whites with dental implants? With these titanium posts, you can be sure to enjoy a range of benefits for your smile and overall quality of life. Still, it’s normal to have questions and concerns before undergoing treatment. Our team wants to ensure that you’re as comfortable and confident as possible about your procedure. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions from our patients in Merrillville about dental implants. Keep reading to learn more or call us today to schedule your consultation!

Do I Really Need to Replace a Missing Tooth?

While missing one tooth may not be painful or seem like much trouble, this can negatively impact your entire smile over time. Since there isn’t a root in the jawbone, the tissue can begin to deteriorate and shrink, which can cause your other remaining teeth to shift out of place. If left without a replacement, you can end up experiencing complications such as bite misalignment, crooked/crowded teeth, facial sagging, tooth pain, and an increased risk of damage and further tooth loss. To avoid these issues, it’s best to renew your smile with dental implants. These titanium posts will serve as your new tooth roots, allowing you to preserve your jawbone, gum line, and the rest of your grin.

What Is the Best Age to Get Dental Implants?

Older patients aren’t the only ones who struggle with tooth loss. You might lose a tooth for any number of reasons, whether it’s an accident, certain medical conditions, or your genetics. The only standard for undergoing this procedure is that you have good oral and overall health to support and maintain your new pearly whites. Additionally, we typically reserve this treatment for patients who have fully matured jawbones, as teenagers will not have developed jaws that can support dental implants. 

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

Since every dental implant procedure will be specifically customized for each patient, you won’t expect to find a set price for the treatment. The overall cost will depend on a variety of factors, such as the number of teeth you need to have replaced, the kind of restoration you’ll receive, and the type of material used to create your new smile. The price will also change if you require any preliminary services like gum disease therapy or bone grafting, or if you need sedation dentistry for optimal relaxation. During your consultation, our team will walk you through the details so you know what to expect. We’ll also review your financing options so that we can help make your treatment work within your budget.

How Painful Is Getting a Dental Implant?

Although dental implants involve minor surgery, you shouldn’t feel any discomfort during the treatment itself. This is because your mouth will be completely numbed with a local anesthetic before beginning any work, that way you can stay pain-free throughout your visit. You might even be provided with sedation dentistry so you can be as comfortable as possible while having your implants placed. After your appointment, you’ll likely feel discomfort and soreness for a few days. This can be alleviated with pain relievers and a cold compress, and we’ll give you specific aftercare instructions to help make your recovery smooth sailing.