Preventive Dentistry – Merrillville, IN

Preserving Smiles with Quality Dentistry

To help you avoid oral health problems that might require costly or complex dental treatments, our team at United Dental Centers of Merrillville focuses on providing excellent preventive dentistry in Merrillville. From regular dental checkups to personalized mouthguards, there are several ways we can address dental issues before they can lead to severe, lasting harm. And by using the latest dental technology – such as an intraoral camera – we can give ourselves an even better chance of catching cavities and gum disease while they’re still small. Call us today if you’re interested in scheduling an appointment at our dental office. Remember, it’s recommended that you see the dentist at least once every six months!

Why Choose United Dental Centers of Merrillville for Preventive Dentistry?

  • Digital X-Rays for More Accurate Diagnoses
  • Children and Adults Both Welcome
  • Medicaid and Dental Insurance Accepted

Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Doctor David Fried giving a patient a preventive dentistry exam in Merrillville

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy requires regular visits to a dental professional. Whenever you come to our office for a dental checkup, we will take a close look at the different parts of your mouth (and sometimes take X-rays) to see if any problems are developing. As soon as we find concerning symptoms, we will walk you through your options for treatment and help you create a plan for getting any developing dental issues under control. These biannual visits are also an opportunity for us to polish and floss your teeth to help them look and feel their best.

Fluoride Treatments

Little girl receiving fluoride treatment in dental office

Fluoride can strengthen your enamel to make your teeth more resistant to cavities. This mineral is typically added to toothpaste and other oral hygiene items, but it can also be found in water and various fruits and vegetables. To help protect your teeth from decay, we may perform a fluoride treatment at the end of your next dental appointment. It can be done quickly, and you shouldn’t experience any pain during the process.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Close up of mouth with small amounts of redness between teeth

About 53,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer annually, and while it most often affects people over the age of 40, younger patients can still develop it. We want to make sure that you always have the best chance of protecting your overall health, which is why all of our checkups include an oral cancer screening. We will check for troublesome symptoms on the lips, tongue, throat, neck, and various oral tissues. Spotting the warning signs of oral cancer early increases the chances of successful treatment.

Nightguards for Bruxism

Person holding a dental nightguard

Bruxism is a term that refers to unconsciously grinding and clenching your teeth. It often strikes at night, meaning you may not even be aware that it’s happening. However, you may notice some of the side effects the condition can cause, such as waking up with a headache or flatter-looking molars. The teeth can be protected from grinding and clenching thanks to personalized nightguards made out of acrylic material. Wearing a nightguard can help prevent the teeth from suffering further bruxism-related damage.