Veneers – Merrillville, IN

New Smiles, Brighter Futures

Are you tired of just “dealing with” your smile imperfections? After years of looking at cracked and stained teeth in the mirror, you’re ready to officially do something about your appearance. At United Dental Centers of Merrillville, our dental experts are here to help! Instead of feeling like you’re trapped in your own smile, let us recommend veneers in Merrillville. With these custom restorations, we can hide your flawed teeth and showcase a more beautiful appearance. Call us today to find out if you’re a candidate for veneers.

Why Choose United Dental Centers of Merrillville for Veneers?

  • Flexible Financing Available
  • High-Quality Restorations for Natural Appearances
  • Dentists with Years of Experience & Training

What are Dental Veneers?

Veneers in Merrillville

Unlike other cosmetic dental treatments that focus more on whitening teeth or offering short-lived results, veneers are custom-made to give you a new and improved look that can last a decade or more. Placed in just two appointments, veneers conceal all types of tooth imperfections (i.e., stains, cracks, chips, minor gaps, etc.), and they can be created to match the size, shape, and color of your choosing.

The Process of Getting Veneers

Shade guide for veneers in Merrillville

One important factor that comes with choosing veneers is that a small portion of tooth enamel must be removed before having veneers put into place. Before this happens, we will administer local anesthesia so that you feel no pain during this process. Once the enamel is removed, we will capture impressions of your teeth so that lab technicians can use the model to start building your veneers.

During the fabrication process, you’ll wear temporary veneers so that your teeth remain covered. However, after a few weeks, you’ll return to have your temporaries removed and your permanent ones put into place. Using a special bonding agent will help when adhering your veneers to your teeth so that they lay flat and appear like natural teeth.

The Benefits of Veneers

Woman with polished veneers in Merrillville

Veneers offer tremendous benefits to anyone who might be considering cosmetic dental treatment. Not only do they fully transform appearances, but they also:

  • Offer a stain-resistant solution that allows you to still enjoy your favorite coffee, soda, or tea in moderation.
  • Cannot develop cavities because the materials used to create them is not porous like regular enamel, so it cannot absorb, nor can it be penetrated by bacteria.
  • Can last a decade or more with regular care.
  • Can withstand normal daily wear and tear, making them highly durable.
  • Offer a sense of confidence and the ability to appreciate your appearance.

Understanding the Cost of Veneers

Cosmetic dentist and patient smiling while selecting shade of veneers

At this point you might be wondering, “But how much do veneers cost?” Since there isn’t a one-size-fits-all price, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. That’s why we always recommend scheduling an appointment with our Merrillville cosmetic dentist; they can conduct an oral exam, learn more about your aesthetic goals, and give you an estimate of the price. Until then, you’re also welcome to read on to learn more on the topic!

Cost vs. Cosmetic Dentistry: What's Right For Me?

Man with veneers smiling at reflection in handheld mirror

Whether you’re struggling with small gaps or serious stains, there are multiple cosmetic dental treatments available to you, including:

  • Braces – If your teeth are slightly crooked or spaced-out, then orthodontic treatment is certainly an option. However, many patients are unaware that veneers can also fix these imperfections! In fact, veneers are often more desirable since they can deliver results in less than three visits, and they can address the shape and shade of your teeth as well.
  • Teeth Whitening – Professional teeth whitening can lighten your teeth by eight shades in just one visit, which is one of the many reasons they surpass anything you’ll find over-the-counter. If, however, your dental discoloration is permanent, then veneers may be the best way to achieve the bright, beautiful smile you desire.
  • Direct Bonding – Direct bonding is often compared to veneers since it can address several dental imperfections at once. While this treatment certainly has its own perks, like a lower upfront cost, it also comes with some “drawbacks,” like the fact that it’s really only suitable for more minor flaws.
  • Veneers – After reading through the above information, you can see that veneers come with several noteworthy benefits, including that they are versatile, can address more significant imperfections, and have a shorter turnaround time. Plus, the results can last for 10+ years if you take care of your smile!

How to Make Veneers Affordable

Dentist holding shades of veneers

As you may know, dental insurance doesn’t usually cover treatments that aren’t “medically necessary.” The good news is that there is another way to get your dream smile without breaking the bank: CareCredit. CareCredit is a trusted third-party financier that’s helped millions of patients get more affordable care. How? Well, they offer multiple payment options, which allow you to break down the cost of your treatment into smaller chunks that fit seamlessly into your monthly budget. If you want to learn more about this financial solution, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

Veneer FAQs

Closeup of woman in grey shirt smiling outside

Whether you already have a consultation with our Merrillville dental team on the calendar or you’re still in the process of researching veneers, this next section is for you! Below, you’ll find the answers to FAQs about this smile-enhancing service – including if there is anyone who shouldn’t get veneers. As always, if you would prefer to speak with us directly, you’re welcome to give us a call as well.

Is There Anyone Who Shouldn’t Get Veneers?

In the first section, we talked about the dental imperfections that veneers can fix, and, in turn, who is typically a candidate. But is there anyone who isn’t a candidate? The short answer is “yes” – at least at first. For example, if we find decay or an infection during your consultation, then your oral health needs to be restored before you can get veneers. Since our team at United Dental Centers of Merrillville provides essential restorative care as well, we can easily add it onto your treatment plan so you can have a completely healthy and absolutely gorgeous smile.

Will I Still Be Able to Drink Coffee with Veneers?

If waking up early or getting through that afternoon slump without a cup of coffee seems nearly impossible, don’t worry – you don’t have to give up this caffeinated beverage. You do, however, need to make a few adjustments to prevent stubborn stains from surfacing. After all, your natural teeth aren’t stain-resistant like veneers are! So, make sure to use a straw when drinking coffee, rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean water afterward, and complete your oral hygiene regimen about 20 minutes later.

Is There Anything I Can’t Eat with Veneers?

The good news is that veneers don’t just look great; they are durable too! As a result, there aren’t any foods that you need to cut out from your diet completely. Instead, just exercise caution with extremely crunchy foods (i.e., thin-crust pizza, raw nuts, popcorn) to prevent a veneer from chipping, and avoid consuming added sugar in excess to prevent a cavity from developing. It’s also smart to only drink alcohol sparingly since it can weaken the bonding material holding your veneer in place.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

There have been several studies done to find out the answer to this very question. In 2007, research by Layton found that more than 95% of veneers lasted for five years, more than 90% lasted 10 years, and more than 70% lasted 15 years. Another noteworthy study by Beier in 2012 reported that 83% of veneers lasted for 20 years. So, there’s a good chance that yours can last for a few decades with proper care!

How Many Veneers Will I Need?

You can need as little as one and as many as 12 – it really depends on your specific smile goals! We’ll dedicate a portion of your consultation to learning all about the aspects of your smile you’d like to change as well as the features of your dream one. From there, we can make a recommendation on how many veneers to get.